divendres, 22 de febrer del 2008


MilanasWSClient is a desktop Java application, done in ESOF III subject (software engineering), that works with the web services of Amazon. By de moment, the implemented functionalities are:
  1. Look for books and music in the catalog of Amazon.
  2. Look up for an specific book or music CD using its ASIN (identification code of Amazon).
  3. Buy the wished products (books or music). However, this functionality is only available for "Linux + Firefox".
There are some aspects that would have to be improved as, for example:
  1. Creation of "Previous" and "Next" buttons in the search of books and music so the Amazon requests will not paralize (remember that the Amazon's web services only allow one request/second for each IP!).
  2. Translate the user interface into other languages (the application is prepared to be internationalized).
  3. Make the buying functionality available for other O.S and browsers.
  4. Add other functionalities (serach for lists, searh users or vendors...).
Finally, the compiled version and the source code of the application are available at SourceForge under the name MilanasWSClient.