dimarts, 12 de juny del 2007

English version

With this new entrance in my blog, I want to express my intention of translating some of the post to English. I hope this practice helps me to improve my English, which level is really poor.
For this reason, I enrol myself in EOI (the Official School of Languages of my region) to participate in an intensive course during July.
Well, translated post will have de same cathegory as their equivalent in catalan (my first language) but they will be marked with "(Englis version)" tag. Do not have any doubt to criticize if you detect some mistake or bad structures :D

2 comentaris:

Unknown ha dit...

Mare meva, KUANTA ACTIVITAT!!!!!!!!!!

El vostre kompany iGNASI a trobar una eina per fer els blogs més inutils encara!!!!!


Dori ha dit...

uo0h! Really this is a very good idea!! I didn't know that you would go to EOI heheh

Bueno va, sigo en castellano.. que ahora no stoy pa pnsar xD ta mu chulo esto y llendo a la EOI acabaras con un super nivel yaa!! jaja
me ire pasandoo :P